Aspiration Statement
I aspire to pursue a career as a development practitioner with a key interest in climate change, health and gender. I also hope to pursue my Masters after getting 2 years of experience working in the field.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
- Project Management and Design
- Developing Communication Tools
Academic Awards / Achievements
- HU TOPS Scholar (Habib University's Talent Outreach, Promotion and Support Program)
- Habib Meritorious Award
- AKU-EB Distinction in English Literature
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Project Head Pride, Press Club
- Press Secretary, Pride Press Club
- Content Lead, HUMUN
- Creative Lead, Omicron
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Monitoring & Evaluation Officer - The Dawood Foundation
- Student Panelist - Pathfinder International (March 2022)
- Subeditor Branded Content Desk - DAWN (August 2021 - November 2021)
- Intern Sustainable Development and Inclusion - Shehri CBE (June 2021 - August 2021)
- Creative Copywriter - Creative Nigari (June 2020 - March 2021)
- School Supervisor - The Citizen's Foundation (July 2019)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Exploring the Role of Pakistani, Women-only Facebook Groups in the Reproductive decision-making of Young, Married Women and Overcoming Social Stigmas
This study aims to analyse the role of Pakistani, female-only Facebook groups in overcoming the social stigmas attached to reproductive choices in young married women and improving their decision making abilities. By illustrating the personal experience of a group member and the conversations regarding sexual and reproductive health on these digital spaces, this study shows how Pakistani women have created pockets of safety over the Internet where they explore and seek knowledge and resources to support them in making confident decisions pertaining to their sexual and reproductive lives.